两名新全球十大网赌正规平台毕业生被授予荣誉 富布赖特项目 资助秘鲁的教学和德国的研究.

艾登·奇泽姆,23岁 received a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Program Grant to support the teaching of English in Peru. Nic Zacharewski, 23岁 received a Fulbright Study/Research Grant to work at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg.

The 富布赖特项目 is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. Recipients of Fulbright grants are selected on the basis of academic or professional achievement, 以及在各自领域展现出的领导潜力. 该项目在全球160多个国家开展.

马克·休斯,全球十大网赌正规平台助学金和奖学金副主任 助学金办公室他帮助学生们申请富布赖特奖学金. “This year we had an outstanding group of Fulbright applicants,” Hughes 说. “Fulbright is very competitive, and even outstanding students are far from assured selection. 即便如此, the application process itself is worthwhile and helps students think about their time at 三一 and what they want to do after they graduate, 是否入选富布赖特奖.”

三一 乔安妮·伯格-斯威尼总统 说, “全球十大网赌正规平台在富布赖特项目中有着自豪的服务传统, and I offer my sincerest congratulations to this year’s impressive class of 三一 Fulbright scholars. 我们优秀的教职员工提出了思考的挑战, 反映, 并连接, our extraordinary students and alumni continue to demonstrate an uncommon interest in transforming a dynamic world through global citizenship. I’m grateful to our Fulbright scholars for their dedication to our international community. 这种经历将是有益的.”



Chisholm will begin teaching English at a post-secondary school in Peru starting in March 2024.

“I believe that going to Peru is the next step in bringing my cross-cultural communication to the level of my Spanish-language communication,奇泽姆说, 韦斯特菲尔德的, 麻萨诸塞州, 谁完成了政治学专业, 国际研究, 语言和文化研究:西班牙研究和阿拉伯语.

当他到达全球十大网赌正规平台时, 奇泽姆最初考虑学习数学或经济学, 但最终还是对政治学产生了兴趣. “I was paying attention to the 2020 election campaign and wanted to look into politics more,他说.

His love of learning about other 文化 attracted Chisholm to the study of languages. “I’m really interested in the study of tourism and how it’s connected to and 反映s the larger politics of the world and the history of global politics and colonization,他说.

With that interest in mind, a Grossman Global Studies Grant through 三一’s 城市与全球研究中心 (CUGS) last summer allowed Chisholm the opportunity to research Orientalism in tourist shops in Granada and Cordoba, 西班牙, 在格拉纳达留学了一个学期之后.

Chisholm秘鲁“在格拉纳达的旅游业, 有很多关于想象中的东方的典故, 因为西班牙的穆斯林历史,奇泽姆说, 是谁的实地工作为他的国际研究高级论文提供了素材. 阅读更多关于他的夏季研究 在这里.

对语言的热爱, 文化, and travel led to a Fulbright application as the next logical step for Chisholm.

“Post-grad, 我知道我想去南半球, 欧洲以外, 因为我确实在西班牙学习过. 这让我特别关注南美,”他说道. “A focus of the study of South America since middle school was about its Pre-Columbian civilizations and their colonization. I realized the portrayal of Peru in my high school studies was solely concerned with the past—talking a lot about the Inca heritage or Machu Picchu—but no representation of the present-day Peruvian people.作为富布赖特的文化大使, Chisholm hopes to gain a greater understanding of the country and its people.


Chisholm acknowledged the importance of the support he received during his time at 三一 and while applying for a Fulbright. 他称赞休斯; Zayde安特里姆历史与国际研究教授; 普里西拉特语言与文化研究教授; 艾萨克Kamola, associate professor of political science; and the staff and students at the 写作中心.

继富布赖特ETA之后,奇泽姆的目标是获得硕士学位. “I might like to be a professor myself; it combines research and teaching, 这两件事我都喜欢,他说. “我真的很想做一些国际化的事情, 我想在每天的工作中运用我的语言技能.”

Nic Zacharewski, 23岁

Nic Zacharewski, 23岁
Nic Zacharewski, 23岁

Hailing from Holt, Michigan, Zacharewski came to 三一 as a member of the 跨学科科学项目 (ISP),它为一年级学生提供了进行研究的机会. A neurology research position at 哈特福德 Hospital confirmed his interest in majoring in neuroscience, but his path to a second major in German studies was not as straight-向前.

在高中学习拉丁语之后, Zacharewski took a Latin language proficiency exam during his first week at 三一, to forego a language course requirement and load his schedule with science courses. “It was the only test I ever failed as a 三一 student, so then I had to take a language,他说. Zacharewski remembered enjoying an introductory German class in middle school and decided to pick up the language again.

“I only did that in middle school because students picked their languages in alphabetical order, 等我做出选择的时候, 其他语言都被填满了,只剩下德语了,他说.

A summer research internship at the German Cancer Research Center in 2021 allowed Zacharewski to combine his majors in a unique way and inspired him to apply for the Fulbright, 哪些将在同一个实验室进行. 阅读更多关于他的夏季研究 在这里.

“I realized how important it was to think differently and be able to tie my fields together, 用不同的方式接近他们, 并获得很多经验,Zacharewski说. “I’m glad I failed that Latin test and that everything panned out the way it did.”

Zacharewski计划在资助期间申请医学院, 从2023年9月开始. 在那之前, 他正在哈特福德医院继续他的研究, 准备MCAT考试, 做一名急救医生.

“I’ve always been interested in medicine and the science behind it,Zacharewski说. “我想成为一名医生,但也想做研究. Brain tumors have always fascinated me; both the research aspects and finding possible treatments. 我喜欢对每件事都有一个整体的看法, to optimize what you’re doing in a research setting and also in a medical practice.”

“This Fulbright will allow me to meet new people and broaden my horizons once again,Zacharewski补充道. “I’m so thankful for the support and encouragement from professors and staff at 三一. 这是集体努力的结果. I worked hard, but I couldn’t have done it without everyone supporting me.”

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