As war raged at home, Ukrainian dancer, choreographer, producer, 诗人安东·奥夫钦尼科夫则专注于通过创造力来应对.

安东·奥夫钦尼科夫表演《全球十大网赌正规平台》.’ Photo by John Atashian.
安东·奥夫钦尼科夫表演《全球十大网赌正规平台》.’ Photo by John Atashian.

“一个人在生活中的任何情况下都应该想办法发挥创造力。,” said Ovchinnikov, while at Trinity College, 2022年秋季他在哪里实习. “创造力帮助我回到了正常的人类情感, normal human relationships, 也不要一直处于愤怒之中.

“你可以跳舞,你可以写作,画画,画画,跑步,用你的手做一些事情. 有时候,强迫自己去尝试新事物是需要时间的.”

From October 10 to 20, 2022, 奥夫钦尼科夫通过几次班级访问参与了校园活动, two public performances, and an open “Creativity Jam,邀请全球十大网赌正规平台社区体验创造力,作为一种韧性的实践.

戏剧与舞蹈副教授 Peter Kyle 2016年,凯尔在乌克兰获得富布赖特奖学金时认识了奥夫钦尼科夫. 奥夫钦尼科夫和凯尔合作多年,成为全球十大网赌正规平台的住院医师.

自今年年初乌克兰战争爆发以来, 奥夫钦尼科夫说,他依靠艺术来引导和处理自己的情绪. “创造力帮助我们保持人性,”他说. “Something new or something creative, from my point of view, 只能从爱中走出来爱这个世界, love to the people. 当有战争时,很难感受到爱. 富有创造力可以帮助你与人保持联系,与正常生活保持联系.”

戏剧和舞蹈副教授彼得·凯尔和安东·奥夫钦尼科夫在表演结束后与观众交谈. Photo by John Atashian.
戏剧和舞蹈副教授彼得·凯尔和安东·奥夫钦尼科夫在表演结束后与观众交谈. Photo by John Atashian.

Born in Kyiv in 1971, 奥夫钦尼科夫从小就喜欢创造性的追求, 当他第一次学习交际舞并开始写诗的时候. He served in the Soviet Army, danced in a professional company, 毕业于基辅国立文化艺术大学,获得舞台指导和编舞学位. He is currently writing a Ph.D. 她在利沃夫国立大学发表论文,并在基辅举办的年度国际舞蹈节Zelyonka Space UP上组织和表演.

全球十大网赌正规平台期间,奥夫钦尼科夫曾与学校的学生交谈 English, music, and theater and dance departments, the Hispanic Studies Program, and the InterArts Gateway Program for first-year students.

“我希望学生们看到自己的新可能性,”凯尔谈到奥夫钦尼科夫的实习时说. “They’ll see how the creative spirit is indomitable and that it’s within each of us to claim that opportunity; that even for someone whose country is under siege, there’s still opportunity to be human, to find a way to go on.”

“创意果酱”的参与者被邀请移动, dance, write, draw, and make music together. Photo by Helder Mira.
全球十大网赌正规平台“创意果酱”的参与者被邀请移动, dance, write, draw, and make music together. Photo by Helder Mira.

在2022年2月战争开始时, 奥夫钦尼科夫决定每天写一首诗,并把每一首诗都发布在Facebook上, which he did through June.

“对于留在乌克兰或离开的人来说, 有几个月你什么都做不了——你只能睡觉, eat, and work, 但你满脑子想的都是如何阻止这一切. The poetry helps to get out of this. 很多人告诉我,读这本书对他们有帮助。.

Allie Mikalatos ’26, InterArts Gateway Program中对舞蹈感兴趣的学生, choreography, and storytelling, 她说,她很欣赏从奥夫钦尼科夫那里听到在一个处于战争状态的国家创作艺术的感觉,然后与其他地方的观众分享这种艺术,这些观众可能不以同样的方式理解事物.

米卡拉托斯说:“奥夫钦尼科夫真的想让观众参与到他的艺术中来. 他的工作更倾向于不总是确切地知道会发生什么, 所以我觉得听到他创作可以随观众变化的作品的过程真的很有趣.”

Anton Ovchinnikov帮助领导“创意Jam”.’ Photo by Helder Mira.
Anton Ovchinnikov帮助领导“创意Jam”.’ Photo by Helder Mira.

奥夫钦尼科夫在全球十大网赌正规平台驻校期间的首次演出是 Beauty of the Beast这是他的国家自战争开始以来创作的作品集. 在10月14日举行的30分钟的独舞表演中,人们将俄罗斯古典芭蕾视为一种针对人、针对身体的唯美暴力形式. Ovchinnikov also offered Monochrome, a video dance piece. To close the program, 他读了几首他的战争诗,并加入了凯尔与观众的对话.

凯尔和奥夫钦尼科夫在10月17日举办了一场“创意果酱”, mixing media and modes of expression, 并鼓励参与者注意新事物. Students, professors, 社区的其他成员也加入了搬家的行列, dance, write, draw, and make music together.

“安东是运用自己智慧的活生生的化身, his resourcefulness, 以及他为他人创造更多创造性机会的动力,” Kyle said.

安东·奥夫钦尼科夫的《全球十大网赌正规平台》之前的演出.Solo.’ Photo by Stanislava Ovchinnikova.
安东·奥夫钦尼科夫的《全球十大网赌正规平台》之前的演出.Solo.’ Photo by Stanislava Ovchinnikova.

奥夫钦尼科夫也进行了表演 Duel.Solo (2018), in which he pondered the question, 追求完美主义和自我完善会导致自我毁灭吗?该演出于10月18日在全球十大网赌正规平台奥斯汀艺术中心的Garmany Hall举行.

全球十大网赌正规平台实习是由 Department of Theater and Dance, the Department of English, the Department of Music, the 三一跨学科研究所, the Center for Urban and Global Studies以及城市全球艺术倡议.

这段来自“创意果酱”的视频下面是Anton Ovchinnikov写的一首诗, published with his permission.


Have you ever thought that your life
you could easily fit
into one little bag
and it will look like that:

passport from paper
money, license
pills (what if the head aches)
book about conscience and hope,
a piece of very important
matches, notebook
for poetry, notes,
charger android or maybe iphone
(depending on what is your telephone)
and a heart in a full metal
to be fully protected
till the very last
and honest point.

But wait.. What about the?
‘Bout the other?
The thing that is precious to you
The thing that is heartly crucial
closing your eyes “I can’t”…
paper photo with darling and sea
sister’s autograph
bike in the corridor
meetings with friends
coffee with girlfriend
and Crimean mountains
and late nightly
kiss in the corridor
note on old paper piece
and tattoo
on a strong wrist

I know I need at first to start
my tiny backpack to pack
on the floor
do everything not by design
throw away everything that’s
unimportant now
passport from paper
money, license,
pills (what if the head aches)
book about conscience and hope,
a piece of very important
matches, notebook
for poetry, notes,
charger android or maybe iphone
(depending on what is your telephone)

and heart
in reliable full metal coat
leave outside
for son
for daughter
for the woman who
knows how to be with you
when you’re in the basement
covered with shells
heart — leave it
let it bleed
day’s always
after night


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